Electronics Division of BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limitied, Bangalore) working under Ministry of Heavy Industries, Govt. of India, has invited sealed bids for procuring following item. Supply, I&C and AMC of 2.5MVA Inverter Transformers for 129 MW SCCL Solar Photo Voltaic Power Project at Telangana
The complete tender document (technical specification, forms to be filled up, terms / conditions, instructions for tender submission etc.) can be downloaded from following websites. 1. BHEL EPS website -https://bhel.abcprocure.com/, click on search, type the RFQ no. in keyword, click search, list will appear and click on the RFQ no. for tender details. Event ID is 18674 2. http://www.bhel.com/tender/view_tender.php?tenderid=44486 3. http://eprocure.gov.in
Due date is 05.03.2019, 13.00 Hrs. (IST)Please submit your offer on E-tender portalhttps://bhel.abcprocure.com/