
Launch of 24x7 Toll Free Tourist Infoline in 12 International Languages

February 11, 2016

Launch of 24x7 Toll Free Tourist Infoline in 12 International Languages
Launch of 24x7 Toll Free Tourist Infoline in 12 International LanguagesThe government of India has launched the 24x7 toll free tourist infoline on 8th February, 2016 in 12 international languages viz., Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. The Infoline service will provide information relating to travel and tourism in India to domestic and international tourists and will assist the callers with advice on the action to be taken during times of distress while travelling in India and if need be, alert the authorities concerned. The international tourists in India and the international callers who speak the aforesaid languages will be directed to the call agents proficient in the respective langauge for necessary assistance.

The tourists can avail of the services of the Infoline by dialling a toll free number 1800111363 or a short code 1363. The calls made by tourists while in India will be free of charge.
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