About Us Registration of Indian Nationals

1) Completely fill registration form in the format given below.
2) Upload passport sized photo
3) Upload a scanned copy of residence permit

Registration Form:
Full Name (Surname First)
Passport Number* Issued at* Dated* [dd.mm.yyyy]
Occupation(if in service, please state the name of organizaiton and post)
Occupation* Organization / University Post
Address in Kazakhstan (Full Address with PO Box)
House No. and Stree* Region* City*  
2GIS / Google Map Location Link* Phone (Office) including ISD Code Phone (Residence)* including ISD Code Email Id

Resident Permit Number Address in India
Father's / Husband's  
Name Address
Detail of Family staying in Kazakhstan
Name of Spouse Occupation Passport Number Issued at & Dated

Children (Name) 1 2 3 4
Date of Arrival in Kazakhstan* Likely Duration of Stay (Please intimate extension of stay/renewal contract)
Place* Date*

Upload Photo
[Photo size: upto 1 MB; Dmension: width 150px, height 120px; Type: .JPG/GIF only ]
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