Tenders Investment Projects (India)

BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited) is a public sector undertaking, working under Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India.
BHEL Electronics division, Bangalore has invited sealed bids for procuring supply, installation and commissioning of Single phase AC source 220 KW.

Sl. No.




Due Date


Supply, installation and commissioning of Single phase AC source 220KW




The details can be downloaded at free of cost from their websites (www.bheledn.com , www.bhel.com, www.eprocure[dot]gov[dot]in).


BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited) is a public sector undertaking, working under Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India.

BHEL Electronics Division, Bangalore has invited sealed bids for procuring following items:

Sl. No.




Due date


Supply and I&C of Solvent Recovery System

1 set




Supply and I&C of Winding Machine

1 set




Supply and I&C of Welding Machine

3 sets



The details can be downloaded at free of cost from their websites (www.bheledn.com , www.bhel.com, www.eprocure[dot]gov[dot]in).

 International Competitive Bidding (ICB) Tender 

Sub: International Competitive Bidding (ICB) Tender for the following referred Tender from Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) (A Joint Venture company of Public Sector Undertakings under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India).
Ref:  NIT/Bid Document No.: EESL/06/ICB-Pre-Paid Meters (Single Phase)-ESCO-UP/171812061 dated 13-Dec-2017 for “Procurement of Pre-Paid Meters for Uttar Pradesh {Design, Manufacture, on-site Supply and Maintenance Support for 10 Million Magnetic / Smart Card based Pre Paid Electricity Meters in India}”.
Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), one of the first and largest Energy Service Company (ESCO) of South Asia, was set up as a Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Ministry of Power, Govt. of India through equity participation of four Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) of Ministry of Power (viz., NTPC, Power Grid, Power Finance Corp. and Rural Electrification Corp.).

EESL has published a Tender under International Competitive Bidding (ICB) for procurement of Pre-Paid Meters for Uttar Pradesh {Design, Manufacture, on-site Supply and Maintenance Support for 10 Million Magnetic / Smart Card based Pre Paid Electricity Meters in India}. The relevant Tender documents and information are also attached herewith. The notice is widely published on the following platforms:

(a) In leading newspapers in India.
(b) EESL’s Procurement Portal (https://eesl.eproc.in
(c) UN DB website (www.devbusiness.com) as Notice ref. no. GN209-12/17.
(d) www.dgmarket.com website bearing notice no. 18533159.
(e) CPP Portal (https://eprocure[dot]gov[dot]in/) with Tender ID 2017_EESL_273570_1.

Last date and time for downloading RfP from Website is from 13.12.2017 to 5.1.2018 (Up to 1330 hours IST).
In case of any clarifications, the following officials will be the points of contact:

Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Dy. General Manager (Technical), E-mail: asharma1[at]eesl[dot]co[dot]in
Mr. Birendra Kumar Singh, Dy. Manager (Contracts), E-mail: eproc[at]eesl[dot]co[dot]in

Contract/MOU with DAP Manufacturers for the FY 2018-19

Subject: Global Request For Proposal(RFP) for entering into Long Term Purchase Contract/MOU with DAP manufacturers for the FY 2018-19

National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) is a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU), a Schedule-A  Mini-Ratna company under Department of Fertilizers, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India. NFL has an annual Urea production capacity of 3.56 Million Tonnes and is the second largest producer of Urea in India. NFL is also engaged in production and marketing of Bio-Fertilizers, Compost and Allied Industrial Products like Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Ammonium Nitrate, etc.

 Government of India and the Indian Fertilizer Industry are coordinating to achieve the goal of improving soil fertility through balanced fertilizer usage and maintaining the ideal NPK ratio in soil.

As an initiative to the cause of improving soil health NFL has started marketing of other fertilizers like DAP, MOP & NPK. NFL intends to import more fertilizers in the coming years.

In accordance with the aforesaid objective, NFL has invited a Global Request for Proposal(RFP) for entering into long term purchase contract with DAP manufacturers, published in Indian press media on 2nd November, 2017 for supply of 5,00,000 MTof DAP during the period 2018-19..

For more details, visit NFL's website www.nationalfertilizers.com under Open Tender category. Request for proposal must be submitted latest by 1130 Hrs IST, of 23.11.2017


CSIR - Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CSIR-CECRI), Karaikudi-630 003 (Phone: 04565- 227206, 241226; E-mail: spo[at]cecri[dot]res[dot]in, purchase[at]cecri[dot]res[dot]in (with units at Chennai, Tuticorin and Mandapam) is a National Laboratory under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi, and an autonomous R&D organisation under Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, and Government of India. CSIR-CECRI is a premier R& D organisation in areas of battery, corrosionetc. CSIR – CECRI has advertised in the press regarding the procurement of CNC WIRE EDM MACHINE. The Global tender notice and the tender document Ref No. : CECRI/2017/22705have been hosted in their website <http://www.cecri.res.in> www.cecri.res.in under the Tenders page (http://cecri.res.in/Tenders.aspx).

No: CECRI/2017/22705 Date: 11.10.2017

Global Tender Notice

Director, C.S.I.R-C.E.C.R.I, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India invites original equipment manufacturers, their authorized distributors and Indian agents of foreign principalsif any, for participating in the pre-bid conference (PBC) as detailed below and later submitting their quotations in two bids system:

Sl. No. Tender No. Description of items Qty.
1 CECRI / 2017 / 22705 CNC WIRE EDM MACHINE and accessories 1unit

For further details regarding specifications, EMD and Tender documents, please visit website http://www.cecri.res.in

Date of Pre-Bid Conference : 27.10.2017 at 1000 hrs (IST)

Last date for submission of Tenders : 16.11.2017 up to 1100 hrs (IST)

Date of opening of Technical Bids :16.11.2017 at 1130 hrs (IST)


Telephone: 04565 – 227206, 241226, 241227, 241217

Fax: 04565 – 227206.

Please note GST No. 33AAATC2716R2ZL. Invoices will be accepted only with GST number correctly mentioned.

Sub.: Dissemination of an International Competitive Bidding (ICB) Tender's Information among Prospective â€‹Bidders​ (Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Industries, etc.)​ for â€‹the following referred Tender ​from Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) (A Joint Venture company of Public Sector Undertakings under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India)

Ref.: EESL's E-Tender ID: 1394; NIT/IFB/Bid Document No. EESL/06/ICB-AMI-System Integrator/171809048 dated 07-Sep-2017; closing on 28-Sep-2017; Pre-bid Meeting Scheduled for 20-Sep-2017 {International Competitive Bidding (ICB) for Design, Supply, Installation, Integration, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance/FMS Support of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Solution for 5-million Smart Electricity Meters with GPRS-based Communication Module for Haryana and Uttar Pradesh states of India}.

Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) is one of the first and largest Energy Service Company (ESCO) of South Asia, â€‹were set up as a Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Ministry of Power, Govt. of India through equity participation of four Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) of Ministry of Power (viz., NTPC, Power Grid, Power Finance Corp. and Rural Electrification Corp.).     

EESL has published a Notice Inviting T​ender under International Competitive Bidding (ICB) bearing reference ​as above. ​The notice is widely published on the following platforms:

(a) EESL’s E-proc​urement​ website. Link is: https://eesl.eproc.in/.

(b) UN DB website as Notice ref. no. GN152-09/17.

(c) www.dgmarket.com website.

In case of any clarifications, the following officials will be the points of contact:

Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Dy. General Manager ​(Technical), E-mail: asharma1[at]eesl[dot]co[dot]in

Mr. â€‹Vikas Hura, Officer ​(Contracts​), E-mail: â€‹eproc[at]eesl[dot]co[dot]in

Tender floated by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Electronics Division, Bangalore

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Electronics Division, Bangalore has the requirement for Supply, I&C and O&M of 66 KV Switchyard package for 15 MW (AC) Solar PV Plant. In this regard, BHEL has floated an open tender on 24.08.2017. The complete tender document (comprising technical specification, forms to be filled up, terms/conditions, instructions for tender submission, etc.) has been uploaded on following websites:

1. BHEL EPS website -  https://bheleps.buyjunction.in/ , click on advanced search, type the RFQ no. in keyword, click search, list will appear and click on the RFQ no. for tender details.

2. http://www.bhel.com/tender/view_tender.php?tenderid=34248

3. www.tenders[dot]gov[dot]in.

Tender Name: Supply, I&C and O&M of 66KV Switchyard package for 15MW (AC) Solar PV Plant.

Kindly note that the tender is due on 20.09.2017, 13:00:00 Hrs. Please submit your offer on e-tender portal https://bheleps.buyjunction.in/

Tenders floated by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, India 

(A)     Procurement of Supplies for DCS system along with items related to Control & Instrumentation package of power plant. More details about the tender may be accessed from the official website of BHEL at https://bheleps.buyjunction.in;  www.bhel.com or www.bheledn.com or www.tenders[dot]gov[dot]in. There are no charges to be paid for the tender. Prospective suppliers may be advised to submit quotation in three-part bid (Pre-Qualification Criteria-1st part, Techno-Commercial bid-2nd Part & Price bid-3rd part) through e-procurement system before 1300 hrs of 08.02.2017 before 13:00 hours and will be opened on the same day at 13:30 hours.

(B) Two-part bid for "Supply, Installation and Commissioning support of  12.5 MVA Transformers for 10 MW Bolangir SPV projects. The tender document (Ref  Tender:-NKR0000166) is available at BHEL website link http://www.bhel.com/tender/view_tender.php?tenderid=31081. There are no charges to be paid for the tender. Last date for submission of tenders is 24.2.2017. Contact details: Email ID:ankitareja[at]bheledn[dot]co[dot]in; Tel: + 91 80-26989637

(C) "Supply of Cable 6-sqmm Copper EBXL XLPO" for various projects of BHEL in India. Tender document is available at BHEL website link (uploaded on 14.01.2017): http://www.bhel.com/tender/view_tender.php?tenderid=31080

Request for Quotation No: UPK0000974; RFQ Due Date: 12-2-2017; BHEL contact email ID: upender[at]bheledn[dot]co[dot]in; BHEL contact no: 080-26989572.

Tender bidding by Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA), India, for Master Developer for the development of the Greenfield capital city ‘Amaravati’

          "Amaravati" is being developed as a Greenfield capital city (217 sq. km.) for the newly formed state of Andhra Pradesh, India. 

As part of the development of the Greenfield capital city, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has received a proposal, for development of 6.84 sq. Km. of startup area of the Amaravati from a Singaporean consortium of Ascendas-Singbridge Pte. Ltd. and Sembcorp Development Ltd. under the Swiss Challenge approach.

          Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA) for and on behalf of the Government of Andhra Pradesh, is inviting competitive counter proposals through International Competitive Bidding (ICB), from eligible bidders for selection as Master Developer for the above mentioned seed Start-up Area (SUA).

          The RFQ document along with Project Information may be accessed from www.apeprocurement[dot]gov[dot]in starting 15:00 hrs (IST) on 06-Jan-2017 (Tender Id - 90936) subject to the terms set out therein. RFQ submissions are required to be submitted on the same portal.

          The last date for submission of bids is 15:00 Hrs (IST) on 21-Feb-2017.

India Tourism Frankfurt

(Baseler Strasse 48, 60329, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Tel: +49 69 24294912)

No.ITF/TFF/Nur-Sultan Leisure/2016-17                                                                               Dated: 29th Aug 2016

Tender Notice Inviting Quotations for Construction of ‘India Stand’at

Nur-Sultan LEISURE-2016’

India Tourism Frankfurt, an office of the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India invites quotations from agencies having prior experience in design, conceptualisation, and construction of exhibition stand in Nur-Sultan Leisure, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan held from 29 Sept-01 Oct 2016 for conceptualisation, design, and construction of exhibition stand and provision of ancillary servicesThe interested agencies may download full tender document which details scope of work, eligibility criteria and format for application from www.tourism[dot]gov[dot]in (click on the tab “Tenders & RFP” in the homepage) or contact by email to ad2[at]india-tourism[dot]com. Sealed quotations as per format should be received in the above address before 1800 hrs on 12th Sept 2016.

Assistant Director (Head of the Office)
India Tourism Frankfurt


The Government of Andhra Pradesh is developing “Amaravati” as its greenfield capital city. For this purpose the Government of Andhra Pradesh has enacted APCRDA Act, 2014 and established AP Capital Region Development Authority for the purpose of planning, coordination, execution, supervision, financing, funding and for promoting and securing the planned development of the capital region development area, undertaking the construction of the new capital region development area, undertaking the construction of the new capital for the state of Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, APCRDA notified the Master Plan for new greenfield capital city Amaravati in Feb 2016.   A proposal, along with draft contract agreements, for development of 6.84 sq. Km. of startup area within the Seed capital area of the Amaravati was submitted by Singaporean consortium of Ascendas-Singbridge Pte. Ltd. and Sembcorp Development Ltd. under the Swiss Challenge approach.  APCRDA invites competing counter proposals, through International Competitive Bidding, from eligible prospective bidders for selection as Master Developer for the above mentioned start-up Area.

3. The RFP document along with Singapore Consortium’s Proposal and Draft Contract Agreements may be accessed from www.apeprocurement[dot]gov[dot]in starting 15:00 hrs (IST) on 18-Jul-2016 subject to the terms set out therein. Bids are required to be submitted on the same portal. The last date for submission of bids is 15:00 Hrs (IST) on 01-Sep-2016.  For more details the following may be contacted:

 (i) Portal for participating in the bidding www.apeprocurement[dot]gov[dot]in

(ii) Website for information : www.crda.ap[dot]gov[dot]in

(iii)  For queries please write to: amaravati[dot]ppp[at]apcrda[dot]org (Contact: Mr. Nagireddy, +91-709-5599-090)

 Purchase tender floated by Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL)

 BHEL has floated a tender for aupply and E & C support services for IP CCTV system, perimeter intrusion detection system, access control system and patrol guard system through open global tenders for setting up at “RRVUNL-Suratgarh Project” Site (RFQ NO HDC0000445). Bids / Tenders are due on 12.08.2016 at 13.00 Hrs. For detailed specifications and tenders, kindly visit: http://www.bhel.com /tenders notification or http://www.bheledn.com /tenders or www.tenders[dot]gov[dot]in. There is no charge for downloading the tender documents. For complete documents please visit http://www.bhel.com; http://www.bhel.com/tenders or http://www.bheledn.com; http://www.bheledn.com orwww.bheleps.buyjunction.in/tenders.

Global Tender for purchase of 50,000 MT of MOP

National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), a Govt. of India Undertaking under administrative control of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, has floated a global tender for import of 50,000 MT of MOP. A copy of tender documents is attached.

Notice Inviting Tenders

Tender for Muriate of Potash

General Terms and Conditions

Expression of Interest for UST Kamenogorsk Water Project of M/s EBRD
M/s EBRD has issued an Expression of Interest for Project Implementation Support, Engineering Design Services and Contract Supervision for UST Kamenogorsk Water Project of Kazakhstan.

Engineers India Limited (EIL) plans to bid for the subject project. With this objective EIL is looking for an Experienced Kazakh Engineering Company for partnering with EIL for providing the local engineering support. Accordingly both companies will submit the joint Expression of Interest.

Regarding Engineers India Limited (EIL), EIL is a Government of India Undertaking and has been serving the Oil & Gas Industry, both in India and abroad for the last five decades. EIL has been involved in a number of Greenfield/Brownfield Refinery Projects and Petrochemical Projects providing full range of “Concept to Commissioning” engineering and consultancy services.

EIL to its credit has completed more than, 60 Petroleum Refinery, 9 Petrochemical Complexes, 8 Fertilizer Projects, 42 Pipeline Projects, 200 Offshore Platforms, 39 Oil and Gas Processing Projects, 29 Mining & Metallurgical Projects, 13 Ports & Terminals, , 26 Infrastructure Projects and 17 Turnkey Contracts.

EIL provides ‘concept to commissioning services’ including:

  • Feasibility and Configuration Studies

  • Detailed Feasibility Report

  • Licensors selection

  • Front End Engineering & Design (FEED)

  • Detailed Design and Engineering.

  • Project Execution both on Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) and Project Management Consultant (PMC) modes.

For more details, please visit the website www.engineersindia.com

The detailed EOI of EBRD is attached herewith. The last date for submission of above EOI is 17.06.2016.

Response to this may please be sent to



Tel:  +91 11 26762740, +91 11 26762748


Indiatourism Frankfurt

Baseler Strasse 48, 60329, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Tel: +49 69 24294912

No. ITF/TFF/KITF/2016-17 Dated: 15th Mar 2016

Tender Notice Inviting Quotations for Construction of India Stand at


India Tourism Frankfurt, an office of the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India invites quotations from agencies having prior experience in design, conceptualisation, construction of exhibition stand in Kazakhstan International Tourism Fair, Almaty held from 20-22 April 2016 for conceptualisation, design, construction of exhibition stand and provision of ancillary services. The interested agencies may download full tender document which details scope of work, eligibility criteria and format for application from www.tourism[dot]gov[dot]in (click on the tab “Tenders & RFP” in the homepage) or contact by email to ad2[at]india-tourism[dot]com. Sealed quotations as per format should be received in the above address before 1800 hrs on 29th March 2016.

Regional Director
Indiatourism Frankfurt

Tender Notice from ONGC

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, Drilling Services, Mumbai Region invites Open tender under International Competitive Bidding, under “Two bid System” from offshore drilling companies/contractors for Chartering Hire rigs and for meeting the Technical Specifications for commencement of operations for deployment in eligible PEL/ML areas.

Prospective bidders can download and purchase the tender document from ONGC e-procurement website https://etender.ongc.co.in.  Venue of pre-bid conference and other details are available in tender document.  The details of the tender notice can be seen from the ONGC  website  https://etender.ongc.co.in  and http://tenders.ongc.co.in


Notice Inviting Quotations for the Printing of India-Tourism Brochures

The Embassy of India, Nur-Sultan invite bids from interested agencies for printing of following 

Seven (7) titles of India brochures (tourism promotional material) in Russian Language:

a) General India Main brochures: A4, 64 pages

b) Brochures South India: A5, 40 pages

c) Brochures West India: A5, 40 pages

d) Brochure North India: A5, 48 pages

e) Brochure East India: A5, 36 pages

f) Brochure North East India: A5, 40 pages

g) Map of India: A2, 2 pages (Back to back & to be folded)

Detailed brochures can be accessed at the following weblink:




2. Interested parties are requested to submit their quotations in English for printing of the

brochures mentioned at Sr. 1-7 above with the following specifications:-

Size : As given above

Colour: 4x4 colours

Processing: Back to back colour printing and stapled

Finishing : 135 gsm, photo print, glazed.

Quantity : 2000 copies of each title.

3. Additional requirements/ information: 

The agency should provide complete details of the company alongwith email id 

and telephone numbers (Landline & Mobile No). Website link may also be provided. 

The cost of printing of these brochures may be quoted in EUROS. Taxes, where applicable

should be mentioned as extra.

Selected Agency will be paid 30% of the total amount quoted in € only, as advance payment,

before the commencement of printing. The balance payment will be settled within 14 days of 

the completion of the printing/delivery of the brochures to the Embassy. 

The agencies are required to enclose the documentary proof of having printed brochures in the 

past with 

Govt Organizations (copies of the same to be enclosed alongwith work order issued by companies

for which the brochures have been printed) 

The agencies are also required to enclose the certificate with documentary evidence of having the


4. The interested parties are required to submit their bids in sealed envelopes as follows: 

a) The envelope should have the title ‘Quotations for Printing of India Tourism Brochures in Russian 


b) The sealed envelopes may be sent to Mr.R.GURURAJ , First Secretary, 

Embassy of India, 6/1 Kabanbai Batyr Avenue, 5th Floor, Kaskad Business Centre, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan 

C) The last date for submission of Bids is August 30, 2015

5. Proposals received after the deadlines or incomplete proposals will be disqualified.

6. In case of further clarification/information, interested parties may please contact Mr R .Gururaj, 

First Secretary at com[dot]astana[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

7 Decision of Embassy of India, Nur-Sultan on the pre-qualification of the agencies and selection shall be final.

Tender floated by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Electronics Division, Bangalore

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Electronics Division, Bangalore has the requirement for Supply, I&C and O&M of 66 KV Switchyard package for 15 MW (AC) Solar PV Plant. In this regard, BHEL has floated an open tender on 24.08.2017. The complete tender document (comprising technical specification, forms to be filled up, terms/conditions, instructions for tender submission, etc.) has been uploaded on following websites:

1. BHEL EPS website -  https://bheleps.buyjunction.in/ , click on advanced search, type the RFQ no. in keyword, click search, list will appear and click on the RFQ no. for tender details.

2. http://www.bhel.com/tender/view_tender.php?tenderid=34248

3. www.tenders[dot]gov[dot]in.

Tender Name : Supply, I&C and O&M of 66KV Switchyard package for 15MW (AC) Solar PV Plant.

Kindly note that the tender is due on 20.09.2017, 13:00:00 Hrs.  Please submit your offer on e-tender portal  https://bheleps.buyjunction.in/

Tenders floated by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, India 

(A)     Procurement of Supplies for DCS system along with items related to Control & Instrumentation package of power plant. More details about the tender may be accessed from the official website of BHEL at https://bheleps.buyjunction.in;  www.bhel.com or www.bheledn.com or www.tenders[dot]gov[dot]in. There are no charges to be paid for the tender. Prospective suppliers may be advised to submit quotation in three-part bid (Pre-Qualification Criteria-1st part, Techno-Commercial bid-2nd Part & Price bid-3rd part) through e-procurement system before 1300 hrs of 08.02.2017 before 13:00 hours and will be opened on the same day at 13:30 hours.

(B) Two-part bid for "Supply, Installation and Commissioning support of  12.5 MVA Transformers for 10 MW Bolangir SPV projects. The tender document (Ref  Tender:-NKR0000166) is available at BHEL website link http://www.bhel.com/tender/view_tender.php?tenderid=31081. There are no charges to be paid for the tender. Last date for submission of tenders is 24.2.2017. Contact details: Email ID:ankitareja[at]bheledn[dot]co[dot]in; Tel: + 91 80-26989637

(C) "Supply of Cable 6-sqmm Copper EBXL XLPO" for various projects of BHEL in India. Tender document is available at BHEL website link (uploaded on 14.01.2017): http://www.bhel.com/tender/view_tender.php?tenderid=31080

Request for Quotation No: UPK0000974; RFQ Due Date: 12-2-2017; BHEL contact email ID: upender[at]bheledn[dot]co[dot]in; BHEL contact no: 080-26989572.

Tender bidding by Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA), India, for Master Developer for the development of the Greenfield capital city ‘Amaravati

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