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Information for Indian Students studying/willing to study in Kazakhstan

I. Universities in Kazakhstan

(i) Registration

About 2400 Indian students are currently enrolled in various medical and other institutions in Kazakhstan. Almost all of them are pursuing Medical studies. Medical universities of Kazakhstan registered with Medical Council of India (MCI) may be found at:


Information related to screening test and eligibility certificate for Indian students studying/ willing to study abroad may be found at:




(ii) Admission Process in Kazakhstan medical institutions

Medical institutions have appointed `contractors’ for recruiting students and insist on using this channel for admission. The universities prefer to work through the ‘contractors’ for provision of hostel facilities, general welfare of the students, and even collecting fee. This is ostensibly for the convenience of students, who are new to the environment and do not speak the local language. These `contractors’ have their sub-agents in India. In many cases, senior Indian students themselves function as contractors and agents.

 (iii) Reliability of `contractors’ as source of information and facilitation

Contractors can make false promises and give false/misleading information. It is, therefore, in the interest of prospective students to make enquiries from the medical institutions directly about the courses/facilities available. As an example, the Kazakh National Medical University in Almaty denied hostel facilities to the students stating that contract between the companies and the University, provides accommodation in hostels only if it is possible.

 (iv) English Medium

Medical colleges in Kazakhstan have separate department that teaches foreign students in English medium. However, quality of teaching is not as good as in India. The students also lack proper exposure to clinical practice (Medical Universities in Kazakhstan use simulators, mannequins for conducting practical training.)
(v) Payment of Fee

While `contractors’ collect the fee from students, it is advisable to pay the fee directly to the University. Where the fee is paid through the `contractor’, students must insist on getting a proper receipt.

 (vi) Hostel facilities

Students must check in advance of the hostel facilities available at the university that he seeks admission to. Recently, many Indian students pursuing medicine at the Kazakh National Medical University in Almaty have been denied hostel facilities by the university and asked to look for alternate accommodation on their own. This has put the affected students under severe hardship. The Indian students wishing to pursue medicine at the Kazakh National Medical University in Almaty are advised not to do so until the matter is resolved amicably.

All students wishing to pursue studies in Kazakhstan may also note that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Government of Kazakhstan has issued an Order on Jan 22, 2016, according to which all educational institutions in Kazakhstan are obliged to provide hostel accommodation to only those foreign students who are enrolled under an international or inter-governmental agreement. Since there is no such inter-governmental agreement with India, students are advised to take note of this regulation and seek admission only when the concerned university gives specific written guarantees to provide them hostel accommodation notwithstanding the new regulation.

 II. Student Association:

An informal association called KAISA (Kazakh- Indian Students Association) was formed in January, 2016, which has about 700 Indian students from different universities in Kazakhstan as members. KAISA is attempting to provide a platform for Indian students and alumni to connect with each other, share/exchange information and address concerns/issues of Indian students in Kazakhstan.

Contact details :

Email : kaisavoiceofstudents[at]gmail[dot]com

Secretary: Shri P. Manoj, Student of 3rd Year, Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty

Mobile: +77085361295

III. Contact details of the officer in the Embassy/Consulate handling student related matters.

Shri K. Ramalingam, Second Secretary (Political & Education)

Email : pol[dot]astana[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Telephone : +7 7172 925708

IV. Travel Advisory

Indian students are required to get themselves registered with local migration police within five calendar days of their first arrival in the country, every time they visit Kazakhstan. It may be noted that even if the registration is delayed by one day, the immigration authorities may detain or penalize the Indian student.

Currency of Kazakhstan (Tenge) and foreign currency cash - equivalent to up to 3,000 US Dollars is allowed to be carried without written declarations. If students bring cash in dollars or any other acceptable foreign currency which is more than US$ 3000 equivalent, it is advisable to get it declared in the customs.

V. Useful documents/Reports

(i) http://www.mzsr.gov.kz/en/node/327627
(Ministry of Health and Social Development)

(ii) https://kaznmu.kz/eng/memo-rules-admission-foreign-students/
(Kazakhstan National Medical University, Almaty)

(iii) http://www.ssmu.kz/en/page/for-foreign-stud
(Semey State Medical University, East Kazakhstan region)

(iv) http://ayu.edu.kz/en/

(Akhmet Yassavi International Kazakh-Turkish University)

(v) http://www.kgmu.kz/en/
(Karaganda State Medical University)

(vi) http://www.amu.kz/en/
(Nur-Sultan Medical University)

(vii) http://zkgmu.kz/en/
(West Kazakhstan State Medical University)